Saturday, November 8, 2014

Carlee Fernandez Uvina Fall 2014

The artist that stuck with me this week was Carlee Fernandez. I really appreciated her view on Chicano art. Yes she is Chicana but does not create Chicano art.  I like this statement she declared for just because your of Chicano descent it does not mean you automatically create Chicano art. A part of the reason I feel she made that statement is because I feel she does not feel that close to her Chicano roots. She said she just began building a relationship with her father, he is the reason she's considered Chicana. When is comes to the way you look or your last name people automatically assume you are part of something, I feel like connected with Carlee in that sense. I am first generation here in the United States, half Mexican half Argentinean. Due to mom being lighter skinned with european features, I am also light skinned with her european features. It makes it harder for me to fit in with other Chicanos for they do not see me as one of them even though I am. I am in this weird limbo between not being accepted with Latinos or with Americans. With Carlee I feel she also as a struggle with her identity and that made me relate to her. I also loved her use of taxidermy in her art and how she uses things in a fashion others wouldn't have thought of.

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