Wednesday, November 26, 2014

week 7: Letter to Laura Aguilar

Dear Laura Aguilar,

Your art has had such a positive effect on me.  It is not only inspiring but it is also empowering towards other women and people with disabilities. Looking at your pictures has opened my eyes to the different ways that nature can be portrayed. The body as a tool to compare nature is incredible, and I never thought that a persons back could represent a boulder, but your pictures have captured exactly what you were trying to portray.
Looking at your body is inspirational towards women who do not portray the perfect image of what a woman’s body should look like according to the media. How do you respond to people’s criticisms of your body not being perfect? How do you use your body size as an advantage in both your art and in your life?
In class we watched an interview and you were being questioned about your depression and how that has an effect on your art. You mentioned that while being photographed you forget about everything that is bothering you and just become one with nature, can you explain other ways in which you have found relief from your depression? And what are ways in which you have dealt with your disability?

Laura, your work has opened my eyes to different ways of dealing with misfortunes in life, your art has inspired me to love myself a little more and find myself in spaces I do not usually have time to be in.

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