Saturday, November 8, 2014

Laura Aguilar

The artist that impacted me the most this week was Laura Aguilar.  Her work is very different from what I have seen other artist do. She not only uses her imagination and emotions to create art, she also uses her body.

Listing to her interview in class really helped to connect the concept of her art. Aguilar explained that her depression and her disability were her main motives towards creating such impressive works. One of my favorite pieces of hers is using her body as a boulder. She explained that using her body as a part of nature helped her deal with her depression. Aguilar mentioned that when she looked at the pictures she felt like she belonged somewhere, like she wasn’t alone.

Overall, Aguilar's art is different form the ordinary. Using her body as a statement of art, of nature, her emotional state and her disability all connect perfectly and create a voice for not only herself but for other women that may be suffering in the same way that she is.  

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