Friday, November 28, 2014

Letter to Annie Lopez

Dear Annie Lopez,

I just want to express to you how detailed your form of art is, it all has such a strong message that I really would like you to help me understand. The clothing you make is magnificent, the individuals you incorporate as well as the stories you include in these art pieces are powerful messages. I truly love your drive and admire it, I like the way you can be open with your audience with your hardships. All the images that were presented about you stood out to me, the first one is the image of a baby that includes the words "1/4 Hispanic loves beans and rice" at a first glance it looks like a missing sign but the words that are included are more like societies perceptions of Hispanics that we all love beans and rice and that's what we are known for. What was the hardship that influenced this image, we always here about the audience views of the image but never really the true story as to why the author chose to do the piece.
And lastly the second image I'd like to focus on is another image of a baby with the quote that reads, "Bad thoughts pop into her head all day, and sometimes at night." Is this image a self-portrait of yourself when you were a baby or is it someone else that's close to you. The quote is very true however we all have those moments when we think about the bad things that are happening to us and the world around us, but I don't really understand the need for the images of the guns. Is this suppose to be a suicidal affect? Are they there to show how these thoughts eat up a person inside? Why the picture of a baby? It contradicts with the quote because babies usually never have anything on their mind and they don't tend to have a care in the world they live life happily all the time.
I noticed the trend of infants in some of your artwork, why is this such an influence for you? What does it symbolize?

Sincerely a curious student.

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