Friday, November 14, 2014

Response to Ashley Uvina on Carlee Fernandez, Week 6

I thought it was great how you found a connection with Carlee and her connection with her art and identity. I think it's very interesting how identity can play a very important role in where we, as minorities, feel accepted. I really connect with Du Bois' idea of Double Consciousness; the feeling that you always have two identities no matter what you try to do. You have the native part of you and the American part of you. Often we find that people try to put us into one box, or to not even include us in the box at all. I think Carlee's art also truly represents who she is. I think her art lets it speak to it's own form of identity, without being just Chicana, or just fashion, or just simply art in general. I do also believe that no matter what she does, her art will always represent the Chicana in her,and that is something beautiful that she can give to this generation and the ones after. I also feel the same feeling of being in limbo with the black community. I joined a Latina based sorority and I get some backlash from the black community because of it. But that's the beautiful thing about this dual identity, this art, and even this life. There are so many beautiful things to identify with or as, and there should never just be one definition to who you are. So I think you should embrace your state of limbo and educate your Chicana community and even outside of that about your own struggles. We are social creatures and we are not meant to be put into one or even two boxes. We are infinite until the day we die, and maybe even beyond.

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