Saturday, November 15, 2014

Response to The Human Body by Lucery Duran

The Human Body Isis Rodrigues And Laura: Lucero Duran
I  was really intrigued by the post about the human body that Lucero discussed. I agreed with all that she said but I do believe that the problem is that society as a whole - including women themselves - have kept this culture about becoming objectified. Unfortunately, society has instilled in the general public that women have standards that need to be met. That has lead to women acting the way they do, buying make up, looking sexy all the time but not for them. On the contrary, women have adapted this culture in which they need constant validation from.

As a society we need to change this and begin to teach women since a young age that they need to value them for who they are. That it is totally ok to look sexy and beautiful but not to satisfy others or to attract men because in the end as my grandmother used to say, it is better to be alone than to be with someone who does not value you for you. Women need to stop worrying about the rest of the world. They need to look beautiful for themselves and once they love themselves the rest will be a plus.  

 Because in the end it is all the work of society and mainstream media that has lead us to be this way. I mean remember that once upon an era, skinny used to be frowned upon. So we need to stop looking for validation from others and most importantly from men because men should not dictate who is beautiful and who is not. In the end when you work on yourself as a person and develop the person you want to be nothing else will matter.

 So women need to empower themselves and do it for their own benefit. Stop thinking about others if we begin to make the standard then maybe, because nothing is certain, just maybe the world will accept women are they are, not the same and not property!


  1. I completely agree with alot of your points.I think as individuals, women also need to empower themselves. Many things contribute to the constant oppression,objectification and lack of support for women. And some of this oppression comes from the same women that advocate love and strength for each other. I feel that as mujeres, as independent beings there is always a lack of self love within women's rights. We often advocate for other women to see the beauty within them, to resist western oppressive ideas of beauty and resist systems that support the silence of our experiences. But often times, we fail (including myself) to look within ourselves and break those ideas that don't allow us to see the strength and beauty within ourselves. And we need that above all to give power to this movimiento.

    1. Dear Yadira,
      I feel like this is a very hard thing to achieve, as we are human beings and as humans we tend to by nature worry about others more than our selves. We must continue to remind ourselves that we need to work with in ourselves first. I feel like if we teach others about loving themselves before loving our selves we are but mere hypocrites. We can not speak about loving our selves without knowing what it means to do so. Everything must start from with in because that will give us the strength and power to continue teaching others about self value.
