Saturday, October 31, 2015

Stencil: COWS, Mooooooo

What I decided to do for my stencil was a cow. It's not even just that a cow is my favorite animal, but I believe I see a lot more in cows than other people do. I became a vegetarian 6 years ago and a vegan 2 years ago, and since then my view on animals has altered completely. Over the summer, I decided I wanted to go find some cows in a field and photograph them. The simple act of going and seeing these cows in person completely changed the way I looked at them; I was in awe of them. It also sounds a bit strange but when passing a group of cows and smelling the strong odor that comes from them, I actually love it. Many people find the smell off-putting or gross, but it just reminds me of how natural and beautiful these creatures are. I think people need to face these creatures more because they are so desensitized by these animals that they constantly see or hear about when it comes to their food. For me, these cows seemed as endearing as a typical dog or cat would be. The disconnect between them and these animals, along with pigs and chickens amazes me. They are viewed as completely different from cats and dogs although they really aren't.

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