Saturday, October 31, 2015

Stencil: Film

The image I decided to make a stencil out of is a film reel. At first I had no idea what I was going to do then I remembered back to my childhood when my parents would take us out on Sundays. Originally I was going to do a video game controller but figured that this carried much more meaning. I found the image online after searching for a while because many of the ones I came across were too big and included too much detail. I used a printed out image rather designing my own because it was going to be really difficult to have been able to draw out the small squares. After taping the image on to a manila folder I used an X-acto knife to cut out all the squares and built a bridge on the edges. Lastly, I used white acrylic paint so that it stands out from the black cover. 

I used the image of the film reel because it best describes and reminds me the most of movies, especially older movies (my favorite). The stencil captures my all time favorite hobby, watching movies. More importantly, it brings back memories to when I was younger and my parents used to take the whole family out on the weekend. The laughter, crying, suspense, and even the smell of popcorn all come to mind when I look at the film reel. Whenever I go home you best believe I take advantage of those discount movie days at the theater. Till this day I can’t go a large period of time without watching a movie and this was because my parents instilled it in me early on. As a matter of fact, I’m about to watch Steve Jobs in Westwood. 

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