Saturday, October 31, 2015

W5-Stencil Project

        After long hours looking and deciding what to put in my sketch book, I finally came to a decision and went with the Dia de los Muertos theme. So this was really laborious work, not only for the details but because it took me a minute to find something like it. Im still not done but for sake of time Im sharing what I have, and turning in my blog. El Dia de Los Muertos is significant to me. I remember as a child we will always made an altar for the death. The people who aren't with us anymore, but still live in our hearts. I remember  today my dad, my grandma and my little sister may all rest in heaven. I want it to make a little tribute to the death and remember them with this drawing.

     I got a different color, I ran out of time to do it in class, so I picked pink. To be honest this was by far a really hard project, my admiration goes to all artist who are mad hardcore on this technic, because I think I cut myself once or twice trying to cut the stencil. Art is defiantly not for everyone thou I have so much fun playing with colors and letting my creative self out it actually helps my anxiety, so I feel Imma keep on painting more after this class for fun and as a hobby.

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