Saturday, November 14, 2015

Blog Post: Week 7

"Pregnant Woman in a Ball of Yarn, 1978"

This was presented by Lilian in her presentation last week.  I was able to connect to this piece on a personal level. Although this piece doesn't directly relate to a specific culture, it relates to the concept of womanhood. As woman, we are held to a strict critique which includes the "need" to reproduce. I love how she displays a woman almost disappearing in this ball of yarn. In my opinion, it show's how women are silenced about how they feel in terms of reproduction. I feel that as society is progressing the option to choose is also increasing. Unfortunately, this isn't true when relating it to all cultures. Coming from an Armenian-American background, my culture has a set of ideals that an "Armenian" woman must achieve. The ideals include receiving an education, getting married, and eventually having a child. Although this might be ideal for some, it isn't ideal for all. I love how she challenges this idea through a piece so powerful.

Although all the presentations were unique and interesting in their own ways, the artist that stood out the most was Barbara Carrasco. I think part of the reason is because she focuses on connecting her works to her beliefs as a Chicana Feminist. She challenges the traditional and ideal norms through the way she positions her art. I really admire and appreciate this aspect of her work.

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