Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 7:Marion C. Martinez

First off, I'd like to say that everyone did a fantastic job on their presentations and I thoroughly enjoyed them all. The artist that really caught my eye was Marion C. Martinez presented by Jessica Montes. I have never seen an artist use this sort of material to create such meaningful and beautiful art! I believe she uses old computer parts from scrapped computers and electronics to make her art. It's such a fresh and new idea that I really enjoy looking at because of the detail in each of these works. When I saw the Virgen de Guadalupe during the presentation I just imagined the work and effort Marion Martinez put into it. I remember Jessica also mentioning that this type of canvas is environmentally friendly because the material used would have just been sitting in a dump and Marion Martinez recycles and repurposes that material to create new art. Like many artists we've learned about in the past couple of weeks, Marion Martinez's art is rooted in heritage and the Latino culture. Her work on the Virgen shows that that icon is significant to her and tries to pay her respects through her art. Marion Martinez shows that art can come from anything, whether it be from stuffed animals (like Carlee Fernandez) or from recycled circuit boards. Art is what you make it.

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