Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 7 Presentation Artist: Camille Rose Garcia

The artist that stood out to me during this week’s presentation was Camille Rose Garcia. Camille Rose Garcia was born on 18 November 1970 in Los Angeles, California. She received her Master of Fine Arts degree at University of California, Davis in 1994 and her BFA from Otis College of Art and Design in 1992. Her works are publicly displayed at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Resnick Collection, and the San Jose Museum of Art.

She began her journey at age 14 when she started working on murals with her mother while visiting Disneyland and going to punk shows, which affected her artworks a lot. She then began producing paintings, prints, and sculptures in a gothic, creepy cartoon style.

One illustration that stood out to me was “Snow White”. Inspired by her visits to Disneyland, she retold the dreamy, classical fairy-tale into a creepy, dark tale. In “Snow White”, Garcia gorgeously skewed portraits of Snow White and her angry dwarves. The painting presents a snarling princess reflected through a funhouse mirror from hell. Garcia’s works stood out to me because she can bring the opposite side of the dreamy and happy side of every fairy tale.

Garcia’s works brought a lot of media’s attention and people’s views towards her artworks are more on the negative side. One critic reviewed Garcia’s artwork as lack of specific meaning and specific context. Although there are not much of good impressions towards her artworks, I personally find her artworks cool and interesting.

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