Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rodriguez, Sasha (Week 5)


Before this course, I’ve never heard of Carmen Lomas Garza and I feel as though I have been missing out on art. Looking through her pieces it was hard to pick one to talk about as they are all made me feel a connection to them. I love her art style and vibrant colors which make all her artwork seem inviting. While it was hard to narrow it down I am going to talk about her work Baile (dance) 2001. Most of her pieces brought back memories of my family and gave a sense of home with growing up in a Mexican household but Baile personally brought the most joy. It shows music being played while the family dances and people are having a wonderful time dancing the night away. It’s a vibrant piece showing the different arrange of dance partners which really struck close to home. You see grandparents dancing with their grandchildren and if you look closely it seems that the granddaughter is on her tippy toes trying to be taller for her grandfather. A dad dancing with his daughter by carrying her and even two little girls about to dance with each other because they don’t want to be left out on the fun. 

     This reminded me so much of my own family were whenever we would hold or go to parties this scene was there. People danced like there was no tomorrow and the best thing about dancing is there is no age limit. At my grandmother’s 80th birthday party there was a  mariachi who came and played. People were dancing, mother’s with their babies holding them like the father in the image. Everyone danced with my grandmother who loves music and there were even people like the little boy in the corner who just are embarrassed to dance and end up on the sidelines. Baile is the happy feeling of celebrating with family and friends in an image.

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