Saturday, October 31, 2015


For the cover of my book I chose to make a custom stencil that reads "K.S.E." The K stands for knowledge, and I believe that knowledge is an important attribute and facet of everyone's life. Knowledge is also immortal, once attained it can only be taken away from you upon your death. Also, I believe that knowledge is one of the three key aspects required to achieve success. The next letter, S, stands for strategy. Having a strategy is very important in life, because it exercises organization. To plan and strategize is something that is required to almost anything in life. My academic journey, and where I am today required many hours of strategizing. We may not notice it but we strategize our daily lives everyday. When it comes to organizing your classes, and picking and choosing what courses to take strategy plays a big role. The last letter for my stencil is E, and it stands for execution. I truly believe that Knowledge, Strategy, and Execution are the three keys to success. Once you have strategy built the next obstacle is to execute that strategy. Strategy, combined with knowledge, is an excellent remedy for achieving great results in any particular goal, or aspect in your life. I have not completed my stencil, nor do I have any sample pictures therefore I will not be posting it on blogger, but I will have it completed by Monday. So if anyone wants to take a look at it just let me know and I will be more than happy to show it to you. 

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