Friday, October 30, 2015


For my stencil I picked a trapeze artist. The reason that I picked  a. Trapeze artist is because I've always been fascinated at the way that they have to make their body light in order to master their craft. At the same time they have to be extremely precise with everybody movement. This stencil has an emotional meaning to me because I have gone threw a lot of emotional stuff this year. I feel that carrying all that stuff has made me heavy but I want to be light like the trapeze artist. The idea of "becoming lighter" has helped me work through a lot of stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your trapeze artist stencil. You should have included a photo for all to see your fabulous work! I hope all is well, and really hope that you rid yourself from all of the negativity. Everything is going to be okay!
