Saturday, November 14, 2015

Blog week 7

The artist  I decided to talk about for blog 7 is Laura Aguilar.  Watching her video, I was very drawn to what she was saying, and how she was saying it. Body language sometimes, is more powerful and  louder than any word or message one can say. Although it was a shock to see what she was presenting it took a minute for me to fully grasp what message she was trying to get across. Im going to be honest and say that at first, I was slightly uncomfortable because what she does is so out of the norm, but then after listening to her and watching her I realized what a revelation she had. She of course, suffered with depressed and extreme self-confidence issues, but she took charge and fought for herself. She made us look at the human body in a different way than what is usually displayed and portrayed. In my opinion it is probably one of the hardest things to dig yourself out of the hole that is depression. I myself, like anyone else, have bad days, where I don’t feel my smartest, prettiest, or happiest, and I find it so hard to go through it alone. I typically try to go out and talk to some people who comfort me and talk to me in order for me to get out of the rut I was in. So the fact that she stood so strong, and fought for herself, and dragged herself out of her own rut, is something so honorable. In this picture, she is trying to make herself be as small as she can. Maybe hiding within herself, to protect herself and its nice to see both aspects of her battles. This one where she is crouched down and huddled, and others where she is more open and free.

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