Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 7: Presentation Image

I selected the sculpture titled "Sewing Machine" by Margarita Cabrera which was presented by Alejandra Canizales during Week 6 presentations. I chose this image because I almost selected Margarita Cabrera as my artist but decided on Marion C. Martinez instead but it was fun to learn about Cabrera's work. I did not imagine that Cabrera's sculptures could be so political but I appreciate how all the loose threads forced the reader to pay attention to the work that goes into manufacted products and production. As a consumer, I often forget that appliances, clothes, and all retail products were created and often the laborers are forgotten or not acknowledged. Moreover, in the garment industry especially, many workers do not have good wages, benefits, vacation days or safe work environments in addition to their exploited labor. I understood Cabrera's work as a statement to these unjust practices and to remind the broader public that these employees put their effort into their work and are not justly rewarded for it. I am a more conscious consumer now and will try to be more mindful of these employees behind the manufactured goods. I was intrigued by Cabrera's ability to take a household object but incorporate an unfair social and economic practice into her sculpture as well, she made her artwork political and carry a message worthy of reform.

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