Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 7: Laura Aguilar

From the class presentations, the artist that stood out to me the most is Laura Aguilar. The image I chose for the blog is a black and white photography of Aguilar lying sideways on the ground among big rocks. Aguilar’s positioning of her body seems to blend in with the rocks positioned in front of her and makes herself part of the nature of the background. At first, seeing her works of photography made me feel uncomfortable due to her being naked in all of them, but hearing her talk about herself in the video we watched in class made me think differently on who she is as a person and her ways of expressing herself as a form of art. One thing that I still remember from the video is when she talked about the reason why she photographs her naked body. Aguilar says she likes the sun’s rays “touching” her body because she has not been “touched” physically in real life, which I think she is referring to having a loving relationship. That made me understand how things could be interpreted in different ways and once I thought about it, by photographing her naked body, Aguilar was embracing herself in the wild life and was being embraced by nature itself, which I thought was interesting.  

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