Monday, April 23, 2018

CARA Presentation and Prof. Gaspar de Alba

Professor Gaspar de Alba’s article deals with the lack of female representation even in Chicano spaces. This space, which has predominately been dominated by male artist tends to portray women in submissive roles, as mothers or promiscuous women. The article also addresses how this is problematic since male artist also objectify women. Profesor Gaspar de Alba’s presentation on CARA was very eye opening to the way in which spaces that should be inclusive, in reality are not. It was also interesting to learn the importance of Chicana/o Murals prints and posters in El Movimiento. I found it really inspiring that Professor Gaspar de Alba was struggling with her journey through academia because personally, I have been conflicted on whether I want to go further into my education because I can’t find something I feel really passionate about in academia. However, after Profersora Gaspar de Alba’s lecture and her work on CARA I feel more confident and patient. Also, when professor asked about what men considered themselves feminist, I was hesitant to rise my had because I have always felt that if I was to claim that, I would be occupying a space that was not meant for me. At that point I raised my hand and share my thoughts. Professor offered a very insightful perspective and explained that it is ok to say that one is an ally if one believes it. This was inspiring to me because I’ve always wanted so openly express my support but was always in fear that it was not my place.

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