Monday, April 23, 2018

Alicia Gaspar de Alba - CARA exhibit

Upon reading Professor Alicia Gaspar de Alba's critique on the CARA exhibit in Out of The House, the Halo, and the Whore's Mask: The Mirror of Chicanismo, and then hearing the discussion in class reinforced to me how much work still needs to be done within the Chicanx community and the arts. It was so disappointing to read the Quantitative Analysis of the CARA Exhibition by Gender, mostly because 28 years have passed and we still see the same type of treatment toward Chicana artists. To me, the ratio of men to women artists exhibiting work or asked to exhibit work is still very similar to then. The works that were displayed in CARA’s Feminist Visions is viewed through a patriarchal lens because of the curation and the works’ placement within the entire exhibit. Artists and audiences, both male and female, should uphold the curators, in this case the CARA National Advisory Committee, responsibility to be aware of the gender gaps and to at least try to expose themselves to more female artists.
When reading about Malinches vs. Adelitas, there is a sense of alienation that I feel many Chicana women experience when becoming aware of what roles are presupposed for them. In its own way, it is a dehumanizing way of making sense of oneself when all people are highly multifaceted beings.  

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