Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Burgos, Elise

Hello everyone, 

My name is Elise Burgos. My preferred pronouns are she/her/hers and I am a first generation student and American who was born and raised just outside of Los Angeles. As for school, I am a second year art history major with an emphasis on graphic design and hope to one day be surrounded by art for a living (whatever that may be). I am a female Belizean artist and do most of my artistic work digitally which often times manifests itself into mixing photography and graphic design to create something colorful and meaningful to me. I love to take inspiration from my cultural heritage to create art that is not only full of life but also digitally accessible. As a minority female artist myself I am very excited to take this class and learn more about the women who inspire me daily. 
            As for the reading, the article by Sybil Venegas titled, “Conditions for Producing Chicana Art” was very interesting to me. I feel like I have always cognitively known the struggles of Chicana artists, as I have seen them played out in my own family, but still find it difficult to see them written out in articles and hear about the pain these women have faced. Chicana artists are such an important part of art and its history and I felt that the article did a very good job at investigating why there may not be as much recognition as there should be. For myself, it is hard to read about women who are facing struggles that I myself have faced as a female minority artist but is also comforting to know that others have gone before me and have found a way to succeed.
            I look forward to taking this class and learning more about such a powerful subsection of talented artists who are changing the world and writing history before us.

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