Monday, April 23, 2018

CARA Exhibit: Alicia Gaspar de Alba

What I really enjoyed about the guest lecture was that the reading was integrated into the presentation. Essentially, what I learned through this presentation and the CARA Exhibition was that it was supposed to showcase Chicanx artwork, perspectives and stories. However, this exhibition did not achieve that, in a sense where more Chicano artists were displayed more than Chicanas.

Furthermore, I appreciate how Alicia Gaspar de Alba gave me her perspective and sharing her voice. She shared with the class how art is supposed to showcase and depict the history of people's community, however due to the CARA Exhibit this was not accomplished since they only displayed the male perspective. Moreover, how Chicanx art tends to stigmatize Chicanas. How they are supposed to be mothers, taking care of the household and the children. Women are still being displayed as wives, brides, mothers and mistresses. Women need a voice in art, and be given chances to be showcased because being wives and mothers are not just things that women are supposed to be; they are artists, storytellers and influential figures. Furthermore, I learned through Alicia Gaspar de Alba that Chicanx art is redefining American art and it needs to be integrated because we have roots here and we never left so why should our art be labeled as illegal?

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