Monday, April 30, 2018

Free Los Siete by Yolanda Lopez

López’s official political involvement was kickstarted by Free Los Siete (1969).The poster intends to defend the seven young Latinos accused of killing police officer Joseph Brodnick. The artwork depicts the seven boys behind prison bars, which double as the stripes of the U.S. flag. Davalos establishes a correlation between López’s use of the flag and Latinos being trapped by the U.S. Justice system. In addition, there are selective words of the Pledge of Allegiance along the border of the poster. Lopez intentionally omits certain phrases, for example,“with liberty and justice for all” and ends her reconfiguration incomplete, with only the word “free” as opposed to “freedom”, which parallels the incompleteness of equality in the United States. Free Los Siete challenges the basis of the U.S. as a whole by discrediting the Pledge of Allegiance, making it one of Yolanda López’s most significant political statements.

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