Sketchbook Exhibition at the Untitled Cafe, Broad |
My name is Alma Lopez. I am the professor of this Chicana Art & Artists course offered by the UCLA Cesar E. Chavez Department of Chicana/o Studies (cross listed with Art and World Arts & Cultures). I am always excited about teaching this course because I am able to share artists and art that I find interesting, and often through student presentations, I am introduced to new artists. I am a Mexican-born Queer Chicana visual artist. I think of myself as a visual storyteller. Using digital media, as well as painting, photography, public art and silkscreen, I take culturally familiar icons and filter them through my own feminist lesbian lens. The result is something that looks vaguely familiar but totally different and sometimes even controversial.
The intention of this blog is to serve as an additional discussion space. Classroom time affords us a limited time for discussion. In this blog via short posts, each of us will be able to continue classroom discussions on art, artists, and reading materials. Posts are due every week on or before midnight on Mondays. Except this first post is due before class this Thursday. So that if any of you have any issues with blogspot, we can figure them out before the end of this week.
In this first post (due before class this Thursday of Week 1), introduce yourself (name, preferred name and pronoun, program, research interest), include a photo of yourself, and any thoughts or questions on the reading for this week. The posts should be between 250 – 300 words, which is about 3 or 4 paragraphs consisting of 4 to 8 sentences. For example this post is 318 words. Your post should be titled: LastName, FirstName (preferred Name). It should be labeled: 2018LastNameFirstName. Make sure to check your spelling and grammar. Read previous posts so that you are adding to the discussion. Everyone is encouraged to "comment" on posts.
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