Sunday, April 29, 2018

Yolanda M. Lopez - Free Los Siete

The book that I chose was Yolanda M. Lopez by Karen Davalos. This book describes the works of a Chicana artist named Yolanda Lopez who strives to redefine popular representations of Mexicans and Mexican women. Fueled by her dissatisfaction of popular Chicana and Chicano stereotype, Lopez represents her activism by standing up for both women and people of color and her desire to achieve social justice for Chicanos and Chicanas through her artwork. She does it by manipulating and exposing images all in order to change the stereotypes of Mexican-Americans.
“In the Trenches, Development of a Political Artist” discusses the journey of Lopez becoming a political artist that upholds social justice. This is shown in her work, Free Los Siete (1969) on page 28. Free Los Siete is about seven Latino youths who were accused of killing a police officer. Lopez portrayed this incident by drawing the American flag vertically that made the stripes of the American flag look like steel bars in a jail cell that imprisoned 6 innocent inmates. Moreover, Lopez used the Pledge of Allegiance by changing the third line into “One nation under God with free”, it can be implied that it was truncated to show the incomplete word “freedom”. This piece shows that Latinos did not receive social justice as they were convicted due to law enforcement’s bias towards people of color.

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