Monday, May 21, 2018

Presentation: Kim Bjanes

In this blog post, I decided to talk about Kim Bjanes. I decided to pick her because I can really connect with her art and what they stand for. Her artwork and her print work is made for modern feminist that little Chicana girls can connect with. In the piece that is shown above, is one that one of my fellow classmates presented on. She stated that she really connected with this one as well because when she was a little girl and when she was growing up, she was called "grenuda" which means someone that has messy hair. I was also called this because I was called this when I was a little girl because I used to have crazy curly hair. But, Kim Bjanes reimagines this word, that is usually seen in a negative context and changes it to a positive one that becomes a proud identity. I like how she changes the negative images of being a woman of color and a Chicana woman and turns it an identity to be proud of. Kim's art is a way that young Chicanas can express their pride for their culture and how it connects with their identity. Another art piece that I really like from her as well is the print that says, "Brown, Badass, Bonita". I really liked it because it makes me feel powerful as a woman of color and especially as a Chicana woman. It makes me want to love the color of my skin and that I'm beautiful no matter what society might tell me about my skin.

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