Monday, February 17, 2020

2020 Olsen, Eric- Week 7: Laura Aguilar Photo

The 1987 image titled ‘Laura Aguilar’ will be one work I will present on from the titular artist. A chicana born in Los Angeles, Laura Aguilar’s work documents and emboldens Latino/a, queer, and working-class communities and their intersections. In this print, Laura combines text, photo, and collage work of the loteria cards to equip the viewer with a personal discussion of lesbian identity, Latina cultural signifiers, and visual aid which all inform her understanding of self. The print exemplifies how the artist explicitly speaks about and intentionally leaves behind work that undeniably represents marginalized identities and bodies- intersections that Aguilar is proud to document and remember. I think Laura’s work appeals to many people who share these connections or can relate to others because her work is incredibly personal and accessible. The image can read like a diary entry, page of a photo album, or school projects which are familiar, still formats which many people know and that are rich with information. In this way, Laura calls on a childhood understanding of art and documentation and refutes inaccessible art traditions. I've personally held onto this image for a long time and it has sat on the bottom left hand side of my computer for some time. I really enjoy being able to see and read from this print everyday because it reminds me of community around me and that other queer people experience and feel similar things.

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