Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2020CotomJohanna Week 8 blog

I learned about a lot of different artists that make such amazing work. One that stood out to me was Liliana Navarro, presented by Adilen Ochoa. Liliana Navarro art is a representation of Chicano Culture and female empowerment. She typically focuses on portraits, which she uses people she knows, that come off very strong, very powerful, and very brown in a celebratory way. The first image Ochoa presented was the “Brown Warrior”, which is a portrait of herself with a beret, tribal markings, feather earrings, showing strength, & power. She is representing her ingenious past. Particularly her focus is to show that she is “unapologetic, and unafraid to be who she is in her brown skin. The second portrait is of el Cuco, the Chicano singer. Who to many is a representation of the Latino community, as his music switches between Spanish & English (or Spanglish). Cuco’s head is sort of floating in the sky, with clouds, the sun and moon. Ochoa saw his head in the sky as a powerful message to his representation of Chicano in a different artistic way, through music. The third portrait is “Amor Eterno”. Juan Gabriel is depicted by gold rays like the Virgen de Guadalupe and is surrounded by roses. Which shows the beauty and how powerful he was to the Latino community. Ochoa related to how her mom loved him, and I can relate as well. My mom was a huge fan, as are the majority of people I know. Liliana Navarro is an artist who expresses how she defines our brownness, and hopes others see it that way too. 

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