Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Artist - Monica Kim Garza

The artist that left the most impact on me this week was Monica Kim Garza, but what struck me the most of her art was the synergy she created by using both the Mexican and Korean heritages she possesses to present her art. Using both Mexican and Korean art influences, Garza is able to create pieces which feel new, as Mexican and Korean art is not as common to the public. This mix of art created an impression on me because the cultural mix that comes from Garza's work reminds me of my own upbringing with large Mexican and American cultural influences. Garza's work is also very interesting, in that it chooses the minimize the stereotypical curves of the female body to focus on larger figures, almost as a rebellion against modern depictions of what the female body should look like. I also like how ambiguous the ethnicity of her figures are, making it easier for people of color to be able to see and identify with Garza's figures. Garza's work is exceptional in that it makes the case for inclusion of all people through her art regardless of ethnicity or body size. Garza's addition to the world of Chicano art is her new perspective, a way to highlight the Chicano experience even when one is of mixed heritage shows us just how widespread the Chicano experience really is.

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