Monday, February 10, 2020

Ofelia Esparza -Week 5

Ofelia's words were very inspiring as she talked about the great influence that her mother had on her art and life philosophies. It was also very powerful when she talked about how she always believed she had not met her grandmother, but felt her presence and her influence in all aspects of her life. Her work highlights the importance of the intergenerational impact that is so prevalent in Chicana art. I loved how she also involved the younger generations in her family to help her create her art, and talked about how she wouldn't be able to do all that she does without them.

Ofelia Esparza's presentation had a great impact on me as an artist and as a young woman, and her words were both touching and powerful. It was incredibly inspiring to see a woman who has done so much with her life yet continues to strive for a broader artistic portfolio and to create a lasting impact on her community. Her impact on her community was the most inspiring, as she stayed in East LA for her entire life and took on different roles throughout her life. One of her roles was being a teacher for over 30 years, where she helped to directly pass down her culture to the youth in her neighborhood. She also worked with Self Help Graphics, creating beautiful altars and prints.

Overall I really appreciated Ofelia's presentation and the inspiration it has given me is invaluable.

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