Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8: Santa Barraza

It was so interesting getting introduced to all the different Chicana Artists that exist on this planet. Everyone has a story to tell and it was so interesting hearing about each artist. Before taking this class, I only knew of a handful of Latina Artists, but just after eight presentations I have gained so much new knowledge on some incredible women. Even though it was just painters that presented on Friday all the artists had such a range of art exhibited due to their education and background. This class has offered me so much knowledge into the world of art and its inspiring hearing stories of others. 
I took particular interest in the artist Santa Barraza. Born in 1951, she is a mixed media painter that is known for her colorful work, and a prominent artist of the Chicano Movement in the 1960s. Barraza's inspiration comes from her mestiza ancestry and from pre-Colombian art. She is currently a Professor at Texas A&M University. The image that stood out to me the most was called Selena. You see Selena behind a little yellow adobe/house, with blue skies in the background. This image stood out to me because of the bright colors used. Also there's so much detail to it that I could stare at it for hours and still find something new. Her skills are incredible, she paints Selena with such a clear face & she is peering into the audience with your chin and head tilted just a little bit to the right- expressing fierceness.

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