Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week 8 Blog Post: Reflection on Presentations

     This week I got to listen to various students give wonderful presentations on different painters and public artists. I found every presentation to be very insightful and truly intriguing. I like how every student took their time on their presentations and thoroughly explained the background of their artists and the works they produced!
      However, even though I enjoyed all of them but the one that stood out to me the most and caught my attention was on the painter known as Natalia Anciso. She was presented by Joan Falcon. I enjoyed how her art directly correlated with her experience growing up as a child growing up along the US-Mexico border. And her experience that is conveyed through her artwork is seeing Mexican families being split up by the US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, which is also known as ICE. I love how through art creations you could feel the pain and impact these immigration policies and ICE has on these families that get split up by them.
     I believe it stood out to me as well because this is a huge political hot topic and issue plaguing our country currently. Natalia Anciso also caught my attention through her unique painting techniques. I thought it was really interesting in the pictures Joan showed us, how she drew the people in the painting within black and white but she painted and drew the flowers around them in amazing fluorescent colors. I don't know if Joan said if there was a meaning behind this but it really caught my attention. So, with this being said, I cannot wait to listen and learn about more presentations this week!

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