Saturday, February 22, 2020

Week 8 Melissa Depaz

The artist presentation piece that I really liked was the one on Melissa Depaz. This piece stood out to me because of the vibrant color and also the elements of Compton. I'm not from the city myself but I live in Torrance and some of these landmarks in the image are things I have seen before. Dale's Donuts! Instead of Randy's. They are still delicious donuts!
Another thing that stood out to me was the name of the coffee shop. "Patria" means being part of the homeland in Spanish, and my dad whenever he wants a favor says "haz algo para la patria," which I have also taken as do something for the family. So when Jair talked about the community involvement of the coffee shop it seemed cool that they're living up to their name and also the way he described it made me want to go visit. 1 I love coffee,  and 2 the way it sits in this art piece has truly hyped me up for what I'll find and I'm excited to propose it as a cool hangout date with my friends.
One more detail that I noticed in the artwork was how she added the people dancing on the right side of the image! They look like they are really enjoying themselves and also have a headdress on.
One more thing about the image is the Compton Courthouse. I have driven by it a couple times and I am always struck by the immensity of the building.

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