Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8: Natalia Anciso

Image result for natalia anciso art
Last Friday, as student artist presentations got underway, I was immediately astonished by the wide array of different art forms presented. Beyond that, however, I was also taken aback by the vast assemblage of personalities that were introduced. With some artists having more politically charged perspectives than others, and with every artist having his or her own completely unique intersectional identity, there was much to see. We were able to get through 15 or so presentations, each wonderfully delivered. All artists considered, I would have to note that Natalia Anciso caught my eye to the largest extent. 

Anciso is a Chicana-Tejana visual artist and educator who intertwines both the realities and legends of her upbringing in her art, while also including vividity through color, beauty through form, and pathos through symbolism. Much of her work can be described as "visual records" of her family, community, and the border culture she belonged to, and learned to embrace. She works on a variety of different mediums, from clothing fabrics, to textiles, to garments, and even regular canvas, her art is everywhere. She centralizes her focus on reconfiguring certain art forms so as to tell contemporary stories of life along the Texas-Mexico border. A majority of Anciso's research and work revolves around her personal identity as a Mexican-American, and more importantly, a deeper level of comprehension regarding the various other intersectionalities in her persona. Recently, she has also shifted artistic focus toward the sectors of education, human rights, and social justice. She uses a variety of tools, such as pencils, pens, watercolors, paints, and fabrics to create her artworks. Much like my artist, Pola Lopez, Anciso is keen on exposing the youth to a variety of art practices through non-profit organizations.

Overall, Natalia Anciso is an amazing Chicana-Tejana artist who inspires many to express themselves through positively creative means. She advocates for a diverse number of constructive reformations in society and, through her art, takes the initiative to rally others into the artivist movement as well.

Image result for natalia anciso art

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