Friday, February 28, 2020


When I was given the opportunity to pick a certain piece of art that was mentioned today in class, I decided to pick the one person that presented her chosen artist in the most passionate way. All the presentations were outstanding but I really like the way this person presented her artist. Johana Cotom did a marvelous job illustrating why she picked her artist. She gave us a little about her background and her story of how she became an artist. What stood out to me the most about her passion for this artist is she was different. Instead of your typical artist that infuses their art with colors, this artist chooses to express her art in darker “gothic” like colors. I mainly like the art that was chosen by Johana from the artist Camille Rosa Garcia because she is unique. Like myself, I strongly believe that everyone is unique and it is better to be different. Her art spoke to me because I have lived in many depths of darkness and the only way to express myself in a healthy manner would I’m an artistic manner. Although all the artist’s work was captivating, Johana highlighted her artist in a very uplifting manner.  She reminded me of a lot of the artists that I chose, Teresa Burga. She said in one of her articles, “ Art is not something you make look pretty just to be sold”. I commend all the artists that were picked and look forward to actively looking at more of these artists’ work.

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