Monday, March 2, 2020


It was inspiring to see the presentations on the many artists this week. It came as no surprise to me why all these artists have become known in their communities as an accomplished artist, no matter how big or small they are. Chicana artist has been under-represented for too many years. Now that I get to learn about these awesome women artists that have been bringing light to others, it changed my perspective on art. Sarah Veyna talked about how her chosen artist Consuelo Jimenez Underwood has been a light in her life. I love to see the dedication of an artist and the motivation that their art can bring to an individual at any point in their life.
I appreciate it when an artist has a special meaning that goes with their work that reaches an extended audience. The cultural differences that we have compared to Americans cant be retold properly without the exhibition of art. The way she used different types of material, other than just paint, to me, represented the different types of cultural and their differences. Just like people, they were all beautiful but were made differently.
Furthermore, this artist stood out to me because of her background. Sarah mentioned that Consuelo Jimenez Underwood worked alongside her parents as farm laborers. This reached deeply in my heart because my dad did the same with his father. Fortunately for me, I did not have to do that as a child but my parents were also farm workers. I could not picture myself or my children having to work to help their parents rather than going to school.
My favorite quote I found when I researched Consuelo Jimenez Underwood was “I think of my work as woven “corridos,” songs about political and physical strife.”

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