Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Stencil Update

After being very indecisive, I decided to stencil out my initials and the year onto my journal.
The process of creating a stencil was very frustrating. I tried using a cardboard cereal box,
but when I used my x-acto knife, it did not leave a clean cut. The cardboard became super
flaky and was really hard to cut. After that fail, I decided to use construction paper, but of course,
it got really soggy when I sprayed paint on it. The paint I used was very liquid-y, which is
probably why. This paint was really weird and actually made the pages on my sketchbook stick together. :-(. I had cut out this intricate stencil of a camera, but ended up having to scrap it. I
decided to then use a blank poster that I had. This worked really well. So I then used acrylic
paint and all was well! I decided to add more to the empty space, by painting in white curves.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing how frustrating the process of cutting a stencil from cardboard was. I also had a similar experience when making my stencil and was frustrated by it, glad to see it worked out for you!
