Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 8

The artist that stood out for me from this week was the artist that Jair san Vicente choose. The artist he chose is named Melisa Depaz. This artist is a Compton artist. This piece I have below is amazing because she painted her entire neighborhood and that to me is everything because no matter where I end up in life I will always remember where I came from. In her artwork, she includes this man on a horse which in the city of Compton these riders are known as the Compton Cowboys and they are well known all over the city. Also, she includes a famous food place which is Dales Donuts that reminds me of the local donut shop back home and again I'm all for people that show love to their community. She does a great job in showing the viewer what everyday life in Compton could be like from the food, coffee shops, the men on horses, buildings and even the helicopter or better known as the "Ghetto Bird". I hope to continue learning about this artist and her artwork because she is very talented and her art is dope!

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