Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 9: Artist Reflection

Before Friday, I knew about Judy Baca her work in the Chicano community. I've learned extensively about her most well-known work, The Great Wall of Los Angeles. It is an amazing mural that is exemplarily not only because of its size but Baca made sure that it captured the essence of Los Angeles. The emphasis on the culture of diversity in the area which makes LA home to people of all ethnic backgrounds. Every part of the mural connects to someone's history and to each other through the illustrations of shared experiences that only an Angeleno can understand. In many of my Chicano classes this piece the one that gets more recognition and is studied more than her other works. Before Friday I had not seen any of her other pieces, so it was wonderful to see her other work. I personally loved Absolutely Chicana which looks like a badass that doesn't care about others' opinions. She is a rebel that does what makes her content, in this case, it's smoking a cigarette. It seems like she had been craving it after a long hard day of being a Chicana and is enjoying every moment of it.  I love the pop art style with the bold and vibrant colors that make her stand out even more. The fact this a copy of a picture of her makes it all the better. Baca shows her rebellious youth and shows that Chicanas are stronger than they are perceived in the community.


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