Monday, March 2, 2020

week 9

I really enjoyed the presentation last week and the artist I like the most is Linda Vallejo. She is an Chicana printmaker who grew up in the early 1960's. It was a chaotic period. Public schools were just being integrated, and the riots and violence affected her deeply. And Linda Vallejo consolidates multiple, international influences gained from a life of study and travel throughout Europe, the United States and Mexico to works that investigate contemporary cultural, spiritual and political issues. She describes herself as "an indigenous Chicana" and as such, her work is highly symbolic and allegorical and is infused with Native American, Mexicana, and Chicana spiritual traditions. Her artwork revolves around her dual experiences as a woman and a Chicana living in the twenty first century and studying the ancient indigenous traditions of Mexico and the Americas.
The works I like the most from her the series woman of love and IntegrityHer depiction of the female shows peacefulness, filled with love and integrity. Believing that women are the symbol of the earth, its nurturing and protective nature, as well as its strength and longevity, she combines indigenous cultural symbols with feminine identity and sexuality. According to the presentation, she was in the process building a family when she painted this image and used them as a talisman to ensure a good, balanced, and secure home life for her husband and sons. And I really appreciate how she use her life and experience as the inspiration source for her works.

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