Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week: #9

The artist I chose to speak about was Paz Errazuriz because I thought that the presentation did a beautiful job of introducing and providing a glimpse of the transgender community. I really like this image because it is representing the beauty in being transgender. The first thing I really like is how the model is ready with full on make up, hair is done, and is showing the beauty of the body. In this society we have seen so many derogatory words and actions taken against the transgender community and being able to capture how empowering this picture is because it also represents how the model is bold and not afraid of what others might think. I think it is very special when an image like this one can say so much without a caption. Errazuriz said,” They are topics that society doesn’t look at, and my intention is to encourage people to dare to look.” Errazuriz is very empowering as artist because like I stated before the transgender community has been silenced for a long period of time and even though we are in the twenty first century and laws and policies have changed to support this community, it does not change the cruelty many people have towards the transgender community. In addition, Errazuriz is able to shine the light in this issue and represent this community in a way that reflect the beauty in it. This is such an important subject and I was very pleased to see this presentation especially because I volunteered in the LGBTQ San Gabriel community center last quarter where I was exposed to many of the issues and barriers this community faces. While I was there I learned a lot and one of the most important lessons I got was how difficult it is for many of them to see how beautiful they truly are and be confident about it. Therefore, I was able to see how powerful this image is and how much it must of meant to the transgender community to be portrayed in a positive empowering way. 

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