Thursday, February 11, 2021

Extra Credit: Art of the State Symposium


Victor Payan is “Looking at what’s here and what’s missing”. Victor Payan and Pocha Pena work on historical and present-day artwork. Their slogan by any means necessary they do a lot of political works Lucha libre. And use humor and comedy to discuss political artworks. Pocha Pena is a Bolivian American is Chicana artists. And have these difficult conversations. Try to find ways to communicate with people and that see Latinos and Chicanos and see something negative. Their art is to combat that and approach it in a different way. These are San Diego artists they do banners flyers, podcasts as their artistry. Amalia Mesa - Bains who was discussing artists and about her upbringing.

Her earliest works are the mirrors and vanity. Those are domesticana this being her altars and ofrendas. She Uses community engagement to share stories as a sort of collaborative work. Also discussed Ester Hernandez’s works. Also Consuelo underwood of natural spaces. Mesa does artworks of migration and shows glassworks and her dress. Also discussing of carmen Lomas Garza figures and artwork that Garza recalls from her memories.
Judy Baca discusses the Migration of the Golden people that are central

American and the education center resources. Helping with legal services and worked intergenerationally. And helping amplifies other people's stories of difficult aspects of why their parents migrated. And dynamic of parents and children and the difficulty of why the parents ended up leaving. And the historical tragedies and truths that come with that. These works are displayed in photographs and in large scale and length murals of migration images and stories.
These presentations were Interesting to learn about women artists who used art as a tool for social justice. And the different approaches each artist took to execute the final product. Amalia Mesa’s works fascinated me because of the beauty of the works and also how these altars can be created in a collaborative nature and that there in the installation format. And work that can be spiritual and I found interesting was the reclaiming of Malinche that occurred with Chicanas because Malinche herself was a slave so she shouldn't be condemned as a traitor. Amalia’s insight on being hopeful on future generations in a collaborative effort and growing in change. These presentations helped me reflect on the process of art. And that more work that needs to be done. Hopefully, artists can continue using art as a tool for activism and bring about and discuss social justice issues.

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