Monday, February 1, 2021

week 5: La virgen de guadalupe

 My parents are definitely religious and hold true to being christian catholics, which is how my sisters and I were raised. Growing up I remember Catholicism being a very important aspect of our everyday lives. My parents were very connected and engaged with our local church called St. John. I remember being there every Friday and of course Sunday. I also remember attending many plays around easter that imitated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. At the same time I also remember waking up at 5am to go to church and celebrate the birthday of La Virgen de Guadalupe. Im not used to waking up that early especially not for church so the only thing I remember is that the church would bring a mariachi to celebrate. For the most part throughout this I was very young so I wouldn't reciprocate all the information given to me although my parents hoped I did. Still I went through baptism, first communion and even confirmation throughout my young and teen life. La Virgen has been a beautiful and important image to my family and even myself but especially for my mother. For my family and catholics as a whole La virgen de Guadalupe represents both faith and hope. Mostly because she interferes with us in many ways and if we follow her example it is easier to get closer to god. La Virgen I feel has a big impact on the hispanic community, because you can see her plastered on walls for murals and paintings all over Los Angeles, she's in many clothing brands and a very popular tattoo for many. 

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