Monday, February 8, 2021

Week 6: Rasquachismo

    Before defining the terms Rasquachismo, I noticed that this word was completely new to me before this class. After learning the definition, it is something that I can definitely relate to as something my family and I commit ourselves to. To begin with, Rasquachismo was first noted as a word with a bad connotation. It was a way to describe a lower class from a higher-class perspective because of what the word describes which brings me to the definitions. In simple terms, Rasquachismo is doing the most that you can do from the least that you have. It is bringing together different tastes that have no way of staying alone and bringing them together to create something great. In the article I read they describe it as a way “to posit bawdy, spunky consciousness seeking to subvert and turn ruling paradigms upside down- a witty, irrelevant, and impertinent posture that recodes and moves outside established boundaries” (85). They also described it as an attitude and taste moreover as an idea or style. I think that is the most accurate way to describe what it is to be rasquachismo. As it is not something to think about like bring ideas together to create something but more of looking at what you have and deciding how to integrate each part in order to complement each taste. 

    Amongst my family, I would say that my mom has this way of being more than any of us. She will find a purpose with the limited resources we have. Although I do not have a picture of my own, an image I would like to show is what I have observed and plan on doing as a future project. I saw this idea in Mexico when I went on a trip and thought it was such a cool and interesting form of art while also implanting this rasquachismo concept. The people who create this, gather old license plates and cut them out to spell out a word or phrase that is meaningful. I have seen some that say “Welcome” and even “restroom” instead of buying a sign to indicate where the restrooms are.

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