Monday, February 15, 2021

Week 7: Graffiti is art

After reading "Graffiti is art" by Charles Bojorquez, I've come to the understanding that graffiti is not only just a work of art, it is also a form of creative expression. When a lot of people hear the word 'Graffiti' they often look at it in association with gangs, violence, and rebellion.  For instance, on pg 119, Bojorquez states "anti-graffiti forces demonize youth as the worst of society's evils, and worthy of being sent to prison". There may be a negative connotation of the word "graffiti" to some people, but for others it is how they can connect themselves to their soul and feed the spirit.

In my neighborhood, there is not a lot of graffiti, but when I walk to the community parks, or to the bathroom, I see it and understand why it would be looked at as vandalism. Maybe there's some who do it for that reason, and others who don't have any other space to make their art. I think a non-profit org or some community space for a lot of youth to express their art would be really beneficial. In addition, it's something that they can hold on to and nourish for the rest of their lives.

When a graffiti artist is painting, it's almost like an out of body experience. Whether it's on a wall or canvas, they can find themselves fully immersed themselves in the creative process. I've never done graffiti before, but I participate in other forms of art. This includes playing music, participating in theater, and drawing from time to time. Every time I make something through a form of art, I feel much more refreshed than before. 

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