Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Playas, Nayeli: Research Abstract for Liliana Wilson Grez

Gonzalez, Xelena. "The Art of Emotion: The Art of Liliana Wilson Grez Transforms the Esperanza into a Serene Temple of Thought." Current Aug 21 2002: 14. ProQuest. 12 Oct. 2021 .

    In this newspaper article, it describes how Liliana Wilson Grez transforms the Eperanza with her art. The images that helped transform this center, depict human reflection, hurting and healing. This articles goes into depth of some of her paintings that occupy the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center. It also describes some of the techniques that Wilson Grez uses in some of her pieces to focus our attention to the human soul and subconscious. The article also talks about some of Wilson Grez’s accomplishments as an artist. 

Cantú, Norma E., and Liliana Wilson. Ofrenda : Liliana Wilson’s Art of Dissidence and Dreams. Vol. First edition, Texas A&M University Press, 2014. EBSCOhost,

    This book was written by Lilian Wilson and it brings attention to injustices specifically towards Chilean artists. This book also has some biographical background and some of Wilson Grez’s work. Wilson Grez grew up in Chile and developed artistically during the 1970s and 1980s and a lot of her work was influenced by those couple of years. Wilson Grez was the third oldest child out of five kids and they were all very close. Wilson goes on to describe the relationship between her and her parents. In the book, it also mentions why Wilson Grez was drawn to the world of art. The book also offers a background on Chilean history and culture in order to fully understand the themes of Wilson Grez’s work. 

“Oral History Interview with Liliana Wilson, 2004.” Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 

    In this interview, Liliana Wilson describes some of her paintings. Liliana Wilson is going through a slide of some of her painting and the interviewers is asking her about the meaning of the paintings that are being displayed in the slides. Liliana Wilson then goes on to talk about the stories and experiences that inspired some of her art pieces. In the interview Liliana Wilson also describes her career path and she explains why she decided to go to Law school. Overall, this interview talks about Liliana Wilson’s overall experience and how it influenced her art.

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