For many, the image of the "Virgen de Guadalupe'' means something special. It is a symbol of hope and protection in a world full of corruption and deceit. Where did this image come from and why is it symbolic?
From my understanding, "La Virgen'' is first mentioned in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. In a world that is unholy and full of greed and deception, The Angel Gabriel appears to a virgin named Mary and explains that she is to have a child, without knowing a man sexually, and that this child is going to save the world from itself. As it is written, Mary then gives birth to Jesus who is the Savior of the world.After the Spanish settled in Mexico, they shared their traditions and religious beliefs with the indigenous people. The Spanish taught them about the Virgin Mary and the things she represented. One day, a native girl named Guadalupe, was walking on a hillside and claims to have seen the image of the Virgin Mary who spoke to her. Hence the name, Virgen de Guadalupe or the Virgen of Guadalupe.
Throughout my life, I have seen this image painted on walls, in movies, or just hanging in the most odd places. What have been my experiences with the image of La Virgen? To be honest, I can not write that I’ve had many. I do honor the Virgin Mary for the role she played in the scriptures, however I don't see her the way most people might, as a beacon of hope and protection. I see the paintings and drawings and I admire them for how the artist depicts them. I am glad that some people do find a sense of hope and security in the paintings.
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