Monday, October 4, 2021

Villagrana, Mare

Hello there! My name is Mare Villagrana, I am a non-binary person, and my pronouns are they/them/theirs. I'm a sophomore, and I came in to UCLA with a pre-sociology major but I’m planning on changing it to Education, because I would love to become a teacher for students in Elementary school! The teachers that I had, had an immense amount of impact on me and the way I learn and see the world, so it would be amazing if I could help students become confident learners and enjoy school. It would be awesome if I was able to decorate my room the way I want, dress snazzy like Miss. Frizzle, and give my students fun art projects!

On my free time I love to sing, listen to music, paint, play with my puppy Moxie, create jewelry and clay sculptures, do my makeup, and dress up fashionably! I also have an admiration for the art other people create, films and reviewing them. I enjoy dyeing my hair different colors too! I love learning new languages and I hope to get better at speaking in Nahuatl! Ever since I started learning Nahuatl, I have reminded my English-speaking Latine friends that it's okay to not speak Spanish, it is "the colonizer language", and that our communities have created their own diction to make the language their own, so I teach my friends Mexican slang instead.

I took interest in this course, because I have always wanted to learn about Chicane(a/o) culture, because I am a Chicane person that is curious about history and I love art, so this course is perfect for me! 

The readings have opened my eyes to the power of the generalized words we say or hear (referring to “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” by Linda Nochlin) and have empowered me to continue to have my voice heard and to make more art because of the power of publishing. 

I’m so excited to learn more, read, discuss and analyze art throughout this quarter! I am so grateful to be in this course!

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