Saturday, November 22, 2014

An Open Letter to Isis Rodriguez

Dear Isis Rodriguez,

I am writing to you because I am taking a Chicana art class in which I had the pleasure of taking time to research your work.  I was so inspired by the message you portray through your art.  I believe that as underrepresented as chicana art seems to be, your subject matter is even more under represented.  Sex as it pertains to adolescent girls is a very taboo subject.  Much of your artwork tackles the idea of the adolescent girl who seems to be stuck between girlhood and womanhood.  In a society that shames women for being sexual beings, this dialogue is very important.  Also, in chicano culture, there tends to be a certain amount of added over-protection.  Many of the pieces in your LMA collection spoke to this idea...of both empowerment as well as vulnerability.

Secondly, your pieces about your time as a sex worker were particularly enlightening.  I identify as a chicana feminist and often sex positivity is discussed in feminist discourse.  Sex work often exists as a type of gray area where it is unclear whether it is oppressive, or empowering.  As you discussed on your blog, those who attempt to criticize sex work are often accused of slut shaming.  However, having experienced these ideas first hand your insight is objective and important.  I agree with the opinions you formed and the way you present them in your work.

You inspire me and your strength and wisdom are apparent through your artwork.

In solidarity,

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