Saturday, November 8, 2014

Camille Rose Garcia

This week we have had a lot of amazing and talented artist presented to us; the diversity of style and views has not failed to intrigue me. However, there was one artist who caught my eye for one specific reason and that was Camille Rose Garcia. The reason behind this fascination lies with my love of Disney and its stories. The artistic approach that Garcia has taken with these stories is beyond simply a political massage.

 As a Disney fanatic I know all the fairy tales and have fallen in love with them. Although, unlike most Disney fans I actually know the original, dark and twisted stories behind the fairy tale spins created by Walt Disney.  So one would only figure that having a view of both worlds I would love the work of Garcia and I do. 

In specific I love her approach to the Alice in Wonderland tale, and more specifically the Snow White tale. For context, the original version of the story tells a story in which the evil witch – snow whites stepmother – is punished by being forced to put on red-hot iron shoes and dancing herself to death.  Now one would imagine why it is that such a story would change to be fit for children. On the other hand changing the ending does not necessarily gets rid of the original tale. 

As an individual having knowledge then of these original tales, I could not help but admire the way Garcia has captured and portrait the darkness behind Disney. She  critiques the nature of Disney through her art and does an amazing job while at it.

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